62nd meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) to discuss 13 agenda items under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (PP): Minutes of the Meeting

30 Dec


62nd meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) to discuss 13 agenda items under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (PP): Minutes of the Meeting.

Minutes of the meeting held under the chairpersonship of Additional Secretary (PP) on 15.12.2023 (Friday) at 1:00 pm at North Block, New Delhi.

A meeting was held under the chairpersonship of Additional Secretary (Pers. Policy) on 15″ December, 2023 at 1.00 PM at North Block, New Delhi to discuss the 13 agenda items of 62% Standing Committee meeting. List of participants is at Annexure.

ii) Item No. 6/SC/22: Restoration of the commuted portion of pension after 12 years of service.(D/o Pension &PW) :

The staff side demanded for restoration of the commuted portion of pension after 12 years of service. D/o Pension & PW informed that a proposal for reduction in restoration period of commutation was referred to the Department of Expenditure. However, D/o Expenditure returned the proposal stating it to be premature. DS, D/o Expenditure clarified that they had received a proposal from the Department of P&PW proposing that the matter relating to reduction in the restoration period for commuted pension maybe referred to the next CPC. As the CPC has not yet been constituted, the proposal was returned. It was decided that the Department of Pension & PW may consider sending a fresh proposal to Department of Expenditure. If required Department of Expenditure may convene a meeting with the Staff Side.

(v) Item No. 28/SC/22: Restoration of facilities and concession withdrawn by Railways to Senior Citizens. (M/o Railways)

JD, M/o Railways, informed that the Government gave subsidy of Rs. 59,837 crores on passenger tickets in 2019-20. This amounts to concession of 53% on an average, to every person, travelling by Railways. This subsidy is continuing for all passengers.

Further concessions beyond this subsidy amount are continuing only for the categories of Divyangjans, Students and patients. At present there is no proposal to restore concession to senior citizens. In view of the position explained by the Ministry of Railways, it was decided to close this item.

(vi) Item No. 11/SC/22: Pension to be exempted from the purview of income tax. (D/o Revenue, CBDT)

On the demand for exemption of pension from Income Tax, D/o Revenue, informed that policy of the Government is to simplify the Income Tax Act, 1961 by removing exemptions and incentives, while, at the same time reducing the rates of taxes. Therefore the proposal could not be agreed to. It was decided to close the item.

(xi) Item No. 9/SC/22: Grant of one notional increment for those who retired on superannuation on 30th June (DOP&T)

It was noted that in CA No. 2471 of 2023 @ SLP (C) No. 6185/2020, the Supreme Court in its Orders dated 11.04.2023 had given judgement in favour of petitioner and subsequent SLP filed by the Government had been dismissed by the Supreme Court. It was informed that the judgement of the Supreme Court was under consideration in DoPT in consultation with nodal ministries. The Staff Side urged to expeditiously resolve the issue and issued necessary Government orders.

Click: 30.12.2023 Minutes NJCM