6th Gujarat Circle – Rajkot – 17.09.2017 & 18.09.2017

14 Sep

The Sixth Bieannual Gujarat Circle Conference of the BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association (India), Gujarat Circle, will be held at  Shri Patel Seva Samaj 41, New Jagnath Plot, Dr. Yagnik Road, RAJKOT-1 on 17th and 18th September, 2017, to transact the following items on agenda. Shri A.N. Patel, President will preside over the meeting. The CWC will be held at 14.00 hours on 17.09.2017. Details for Conference posted. Open Session on 18.09.2017 at 10.00 hours.


There is no change in other schedule. Only CWC is changed in order to accommodate maximum participants.