A request to expedite decision for enhancing Fixed Medical Allowance from Rs. 1000/- Per Month to Rs. 3000/- PM.

23 Nov

We had addressed a letter on “A request to expedite decision for enhancing Fixed Medical Allowance from Rs. 1000/- Per Month to Rs. 3000/- PM.” on 05.10.2023 to Hon’ble Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman,Finance Minister, Govt. of India, New Delhi.

Ranjeet Kumar, Under Secretary, Finance Ministry vide No: 12(3)e-V/2023 dated 2.11.2023 forwards the same to Under Secretary (Admn), D/o Pension & Pensioners; Welfare, New Delhi for appropriate action. In the said letter similar representations of 8 persons have been forwarded.

This is the way our Finance Ministry is working.