Alert to pensioners- Beware of fraud calls – Pensioners are advised not to share OTP or any other detail etc. for any updating for pension to avoid frauds

22 Oct

Alert to pensioners- Beware of fraud calls – Pensioners are advised not to share OTP or any other detail etc. for any updating for pension to avoid frauds.

It has come to notice of this office that the cyber malefactors have been calling to pensioners to update their Life Certificate by getting their data from somewhere as date of appointment, date of retirement, PPO number, Aadhaar number, e-mail, address, monthly pension, nominee etc. The fraudsters call pensioners with their data to convince them that they are calling from Pension Department and ask the pensioners to share OTP for updating their Life Certificate. Once they get OTP from pensioners, the fraudsters get direct access to their bank accounts and transfer the amount from pensioners’ account to a fraud account.

Click: 22.10.2022 Alert to Pensiners – Beware of fraud calls