Joint Forum of MTN-BSNL Pensioners Association conducted One Day Dharna at Circle/District Head Quarters on 31.07.2023

1 Aug

Joint Forum of MTN-BSNL Pensioners Association conducted One Day Dharna at Circle/District Head Quarters on 31.07.2023.

2nd phase of Agitational Program of Day Long Dharna of Joint Forum of BSNL/MTNL Pensioner’s Associations.

It was  observed at CCA Office, Eastern Court premises. A huge gathering of pensioners of more than 500 attended this Day Long Dharna. It was gathering comprising of members of SNPWA, MREWA, BDPA (I), MSEPWA & MTNL- DOT PA. Working Associations/Unions of BSNL & MTNL ie SNEA, MEA and MTNL Mazdoor Sangh also extended their unconditional physical and moral support to our struggle of Pension Revision. Com. G. L. Jogi, G/S SNPWA addressed the gathering and informed about the present status of pension revision case. He also informed of our three phased strategy ie Legal, Political intervention and personal pursuance to fight this case and explained in detail the present scenario and why the need has been felt to come on streets. In addition to Com. G. L. Jogi, the gathering was addressed by Com. R. K. Mudgal, G/S MREWA, Com. M. R. Vashisht, Executive President BDPA(I), Com. Rajendra Pd. G/S MSEPWA, Com. Sunil Kumar Circle Secy. MEA. Com. R. K. Mudgal briefed the gathering on the Pension Revision issue and the base work already done through vigorous pursuance by SNPWA & MREWA and now need of ultimate push through physical protest programmes.

view pic : India : 01.08.2023 INDIA

view pic: Gujarat : 01.08.2023 AHMEDABAD