14 Dec

Status on Pension Revision:
Dear Comrades,
CHQ is very very closely and in all respects monitoring the progress of the Pension Revision issue vis- a – vis implementation of the Judgment of Hon. PB CAT ND.
Rather, CHQ is keeping an Eagle’s Eye on the whole issue and is very keenly observing the progress of the issue with regard to implementation of the Judgment of Hon. PB CAT ND.
So far, as we understand, Secy Telecom is yet to take a final decision on the Legal Advice received by DOT from Law Ministry, even though the Legal advice, after having been processed by the Establishment Section, has been sent to Secy( T) quite sometime before, thereby indicating that Secy(T) is probably mulling over the prospect of taking a positive view regarding the implementation of the Judgment of Hon. PB CAT ND.
Nonetheless, having said that, we are keeping our fingers crossed and are extremely vigilant
We are also in very close touch with our Counsels on the whole issue and are treading our future course of action very cautiously and not acting in haste.
We assure our Comrades that there would be no let up in our future course of action, and we will act quite appropriately and swiftly depending upon how action of DOT on the implementation of Judgment of Hon. PB CAT ND unfolds in the coming days.

Courtesty; SNPWACHQ