News from Shri Ashok Thakkar, District Secretary, BDPA (INDIA), Vadodara District on ” One day Pensioners outreach Camp was organised by the o/o the CCA Gujarat on 12.07.2023 “

14 Jul

News from Shri Ashok Thakkar, District Secretary, BDPA (INDIA), Vadodara District on ” One day Pensioners outreach Camp was organised by the o/o the CCA Gujarat on 12.07.2023 “

One day Pensioners outreach Camp was organised by the o/o the CCA Gujarat on 12.07.2023 at 10.00 hours in Collectorate Office for updating of Pensioner’s LC/DLC, submission of KYP forms as well as dissemination of information about SAMPANN migrated Pensioners. the Sampann Pensioners residing nearby took benefit of the camp. Shri Gunjan B Mishra, Jt. CCA was in the Chair.

The AAO, note down problems of all the Pensioners with their mobile number. All who were present and brought their life certificate were asked to give it. On the issue of migrations, it was said that our of 11000 Bank Pensioners, majority of 10000 has been migrated and only 1000 cases pending due to bank issues.

Now, the work for migrating Postal Pensioners is in process and it will be completed by August 2023 end. There after pending cases of Bank Migration will be taken up. The information provided in the camp was useful and also suggestion put forward by the DS were heard positively. 

We hope that such camps will be organised in all major districts with pre-information.