9th Gujarat Circle Working Committee Meet

24 May

9th Gujarat Circle Working Committee Meeting of BDPA (INDIA) was held at Ahmedabad on 23.05.2015 at 11.00 hours in Association Office. Shri A.N. Patel presided over the meeting. The meeting commenced with observing two minute silence in memo of late … Read More »

9th Gujarat Circle Working Committee Meeting

23 May

9th Gujarat Circle Working Committee Meeting will be held on 23.05.2016 at 11.00 hours in BDPA (India) Office. Shri A.N. Patel, President will preside.  38th Get to Gather and a Seminar Knee Replacement will be held on 24.05.2016 at 15.00 … Read More »

We appreciate…

21 May

APPRECIABLE ACT On 20th Ma, 2016, our Treasurer withdraw Rs.40,000/ from Bank and kept in our Treasury.  In the evening, we got phone call from Canara Bank, Bhadera, Ahmedabad to check the amount we received. On verification, it was seen … Read More »

Welfare Activities

21 May

WELFARE NEWS Shri M.U. Vohra and his Mrs met with accident and injured. BDPA (INDIA) visied his residence at Vatva Ahmedabad on 19.05.2016 and wished him speedy recovery. Mr Vohra is advised knee replacement due to accident which he will … Read More »