Payment of family pension in respect of a child suffering from a disorder or disability of mind through the person nominated by the Government servant/pensioner/family pensioner

21 Jan

Payment of family pension in respect of a child suffering from a disorder or disability of mind through the person nominated by the Government servant/pensioner/family pensioner.

  1. Clause (vii) in the Rule 54(9)(h) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 is intended to avoid any hassles to the child suffering from a mental disability in obtaining the guardianship certificate from the court and in claiming family pension after the death of his/her parents. As per this rule, a Government servant/pensioner or his/her spouse can nominate a person to receive family pension payable to a mentally retarded child. In cases where such nomination is submitted by a Government servant/pensioner/family pensioner, a guardianship certificate issued by a court of law is not necessary.
  2. Accordingly, in cases where a nomination made by the Government servant/pensioner/family pensioner has been incorporated in the Pension Payment Order issued to child suffering from a mental disability, it is incumbent on the Pension Disbursing Banks to disburse the family pension in respect such child through the person so nominated. Insisting for a guardianship certificate by the Banks in such cases would defeat the very purpose of such nomination and would also amount to violation of the statutory provisions of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021.


Click: 21.01.2022 Payment of family pension in respect of a child suffering from a disorder or disability of mind through the person nominated by the Government servant.